Get Rid of Rats in Attics, Crawlspaces, Basements, Garages, Cars & More

Don't think getting rid of roof rats is possible? Find out how to Quickly, Easily, and Effectively get rid of your roof rat problem!
Get Rid of Roof Rats in Attics with the EVICTOR®
- EVICTOR® Strobe Lights will annoy a rat's sensitive eye sight and force them to find a new nest outside of the attic.
- Each EVICTOR® 10K covers 300 sq ft attics and crawlspaces and pulses 90 times per minute at 175,000 candle power and shines in all directions.
- The EVICTOR® is the only patented strobe light that is backed by a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee. It is the most successful method of evicting squirrels from attics and crawlspaces.

- Covers 15 x 20 feet (350 sq. ft.) Attics & Crawlspaces
- Easy Installation for Homeowners & Trusted by Professionals
- Replaceable Strobe Tubes
- Made in USA
- 1 Year Warranty
Trusted by Massey Services, Inc.
Tom Jarzynka, Training and Technical Director says:
"Massey does not jump on new-treatment bandwagons. Rather, the firm tests new products, analyzes the results and then tests some more. In the case of (the Evictor® Strobe Light), Massey and its commercial division, PrevenTech, found the innovation helped the company rid pests — squirrels, feral cats and roof rats — quickly, cost effectively and safely. “This tool fits in with Massey's commitment to environmental responsibility...There's no toxicant involved, no harming of the animals, and yet we accomplish the goal of pest removal”.
Real Customer Reviews
What is a Roof Rat?
Roof Rat is another name for the Black Rat (Rattus rattus). They are known as "roof rats" due to their tendency of staying high along rooflines. Another common name for the roof rat is ship rat, since their spread was made possible riding ships into new territories. The roof rat is a common rodent and pest, but not to be confused with it's much larger, better-known cousin, the Norway Rat. The Norway Rat (also known as the Brown Rat) is the better known/more recognized rat of the two. The Roof Rat originated in Asia and spread to Europe and onward. Roof rats live in the warmest areas of the United States: from the Southeast and Gulf States to the West Coast.
Roof rats are primarily found along coasts and the southern half of the United States.
Why Do Roof Rats Inhabit Attics?
Roof rats prefer to stay off the ground, and are said to spend most of their lives elevated at least 4 feet off the ground. In their natural habitat, roof rats nest high in trees. However, roof rats are adaptable and resilient and will move into shrubs, wood piles and other lower locations that provide shelter.
Attics are high, dark, warm, and rarely disturbed areas. Attics offer security from the elements and predators. An attic is an ideal space for roof rats to set up a warm home, store food, and raise a family.
How Do I Know If I Have Roof Rats In My Attic?
Roof Rats will inhabit attics for the same reason any other nuisance wildlife would--security and accessibility. Homeowners who find that they have roof rats in the attic will not only suffer with the noise above, but more importantly the damage caused by chewing and assigning portions of the attic as a latrine. Read on for breakdown of what to look out for when it comes to having roof rats in attics.
Roof Rat Sounds in Attics
If you live in the coastal or southern regions of the US and hear activity in your attic, you have a high possibility of roof rats living in your attic. You will hear scurrying in your attic and gnawing mainly at night. This will especially be present when the weather starts to cools down. If noise is heard during the day, a larger population of roof rats may be using your attic.
Also, roof rats will stick to a certain route through your home. They establish this for easy navigation through your house. Repeatedly hearing noises in a pathway overhead could mean roof rats.
Roof Rat Nests
A Roof Rat nest in the attic will be primarily made of torn apart insulation from your home. Also, they may use paper goods and other found scrap to construct their nest inside your attic.
Roof Rat Odors
Odor is another tell-tale sign of Roof Rats in the attic. Roof Rats will use portions of the attic as their bathroom and this scent will be noticeable. Roof Rats also stain walls with greasy markings emitted from their fur. Because roof rats have limited eyesight, they use these markings to remind them where they want to go in your house. Repeatedly staining these areas leaves a mess and smell. Roof Rats will also store food in your home.
How Do Roof Rats Enter The Attic?
Roof rats are expert climbers; they travel along power lines with ease and can scale a brick building with no problem. Roof rats can also jump 2 feet high, and can clear a 4 foot distance from one standing point to another.
Roof rats only need a half-inch wide hole to gain access to a building. A nickle-sized hole can either be squeezed through or simply chewed by the roof rat to make access a little easier. Roof rats can chew through a variety of materials: drywall, plastic, wood, aluminum siding.
Roof rats will mark entry holes as their territory using the secretions from their fur. This scent remains long after your tenant roof rats are gone. This scent serves as a signal to other scouting roof rats that your place was once approved by former roof rats.
Lastly, since roof rats have teeth that never stop growing, they must gnaw to survive. Chewing through materials is necessary for the roof rat, and an attic provides plenty of areas for chewing. Wood beams, vents, pipes, shingles, and unfortunately live wires are all susceptible to roof rat gnawing. Roof rat incisors would grow in a spiral if they didn't chew to wear them down.
When Are Roof Rats Most Active In Attics?
You will hear roof rat activity throughout your attic mainly at night. Roof rat chewing and scurrying is heard overhead, and makes a good night sleep unattainable. If you find you hear noise during the day, you are dealing with a larger number of rats.
Roof rats move into attics when the weather starts to cool, and they will occupy your attic in the cooler fall and winter months.
The average life span of a roof rat is 1 year due to predators and pest control. It is thought that a roof rat could live up to 4 years max.
The roof rat breeding season is mainly in the Spring and Summer. The average roof rat litter consists of 4-6 babies. Roof rats will have litters up to 6 times each year. Many homeowners with roof rat problems complain that it is a never-ending issue—this is due to the roof rats' prolific reproduction and the well-marked pathways they establish in a home that suites them. Excluding roof rats from you home can be very difficult. Sealing holes will NOT deter a roof rat from coming back in! They will make more holes when necessary.
How To Effectively Get Rid of Roof Rats In Your Attic
Is it possible to end the roof rats' prolonged stay in an attic? Yes!
By following this guide, you will not only evict the roof rats currently living in your attic, you will keep roof rats from coming back in the future.
What Should I Do First?
With any roof rat problem, you should first do the things that help your situation. Your home should be clear of any easily accessible food and water sources. Removing as many sources of food as possible. Fallen fruit should be picked up immediately and trashcan lids secured. Bird feeders should also be cleaned up as roof rats enjoy nuts too. Any food/water placed outdoors for pets should be brought inside and secured.
Trimming away any branches close to your roof line, and pruning shrubs will also deter roof rats. Keep trees, shrubs and vines maintained to discourage climbing and nesting. Also, keep an eye out for any sources of water the roof rats may depend on. Watch out for leaky fixtures! Water sources include: faucets, hoses, sprinkler heads, air conditioning units. Water fountains, ponds, even plant pots and bird baths provide a dependable source of water for roof rats.
The EVICTOR® is a high intensity strobe light designed for rodents living in attics, crawlspaces and other darkened areas.
An example of an Evictor® Strobe Light Installation in an attic.
EVICTOR® strobe lights hang in an attic or crawlspace from a beam or rafter and emit a high intensity strobing light that will get rid of any roof rats living in your attic or crawlspace.
The pulsing EVICTOR® strobe light is too bright for a roof rat's sensitive eyes and disrupts their natural living cycle.
How many EVICTOR® strobe lights will you need to evict roof rats in your attic or crawlspace?
Each 10K unit covers 350 square feet or a 15' x 20' area. You will need to measure your attic or crawlspace and determine the approximate number of EVICTOR® strobe lights needed.
Many homeowners with a single story or split level home need only 1 light to permanently evict roof rats in their attic.
How Do I Approach my Attic when Roof Rats are Living in the Attic?
Before entering your attic, knock on the attic door or ceiling area to alert the squirrels. Play a loud radio at the entrance to discourage any squirrels from approaching the entrance and encourage them to temporarily leave the attic.
If there is a drop staircase, you may slap it against the ceiling a few times before entering the attic. The noise will scare them away so that you can enter without any issues.
Shine a flash-light into the attic or crawlspace before entering to check if any roof rats are present or if there is a nest with babies.
Prepare Your Attic to Get Rid of Roof Rats
Hang each EVICTOR® strobe light at about 3 feet above the floor in a central location.
You can also try to hang the EVICTOR® near the roof rat nest, if you have located it in your attic.
If roof rat babies are present, and the mother roof rat has not removed them, she will come back for her babies. In this instance it may be necessary to move the EVICTOR® strobe light away from the nesting area to a more central location.
Each EVICTOR® should plugged directly into an outlet. A GFCI outlet is recommended. We also recommend installing a switch between the outlet and the breaker that is located near the entrance to the attic or just outside the attic door.
The EVICTOR® does not have an ON/OFF switch, so a switch must be installed to turn the outlet ON and OFF.
You can have an electrician put in a switch outside your attic for the outlet(s) that are dedicated for EVICTOR® use. This way, once you leave your attic or crawlspace you can switch on the EVICTOR®
For the EVICTOR® strobe lights to work properly, the space must be uncluttered and as dark as possible.
No other light source should be present to interfere with the performance of the EVICTOR® while in use.
If there are windows in the attic, tape cardboard over them to block off any outside light. Gable vents may not emit enough light to interfere with the EVICTOR®.
Do not seal the Entrance/Exit holes for at least 30 days.
Allowing the roof rats to enter and see the Evictor® in use is necessary and will allow them time to relocate their nest. Leaving the entrance and exit holes open will also allow time for roof rats to carry their babies to the new nest.
EVICTOR® strobe lights are the most effective method to evict roof rats from your home without killing, trapping, poisoning or other harmful methods. Roof rats are not harmed in any way by the EVICTOR®.
Replacement bulbs are easy to install. Don't be afraid to use the Evictor through the entire year.
Techniques To Encourage Roof Rats To Stay Out Of Your Home
If you can find the main entry holes, you can close them 30 days after your strobe light installation Seal any holes that may serve as entry points. However, you want to leave a small opening for the roof rats to see inside your previously occupied attic/crawl space. This way, whenever a roof rat ventures back to your house, a view of the strobe light is a reminder that this is one place they do not want to go.
Making an effort to alter or undo the first signs of nest building is encouraged for roof rats. Roof rats will keep their home turf to a 200 foot area. If you have a nest in your house or on your property, they won't be traveling much farther than those 200 feet for resources. Eliminating the sources of food, water, and their efforts in building a nest will decrease your probability of having roof rats back. Using the Evictor® Strobe Light will ensure your home is rodent-free for years to come.
John Miller
I want to use these in Australia. Do you make them for the voltahe here (240Volts)?
May 01, 2017
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